Universal Laboratories
Quality Analytical Services since 1994
VOA 8260 SHORT - AQ Volatile (purgeable) organic compounds by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for wastewater, storm water, and ground water - a shorter list of parameters than Catalog# O022 to better meet client's reporting requirements. EPA method 8260 utilizes GC/MS to determine the purgables organics. Samples are collected and treated with sodium thiosulfate to remove chlorine, then transferred into VOA vials for direct analysis from the vial. Samples must be chilled to < 6 degrees C. Sample holding time is 7 days to analysis. Call 800-695-2162 to discuss.
Semi-volatiles, 8270 - AQ Semivolatile organic compounds by EPA method 8270 - GC/MS in water. Samples should be collected in glass containers. Samples with residual chlorine should be treated with sodium thiosulfate to remove chlorine and then chilled to < 6 degrees C. Sample holding time is 7 days to extraction. Call 800-695-2162 to discuss.
Pesticides 8081 - Solid Organochlorine pesticide analysis by EPA method 8081 - gas chromatography ECD detector. Samples should be collected in glass containers. Samples should be chilled to < 6 degrees C. Sample holding time is 14 days to extraction. Call 800-695-2162 to discuss.